Mega Man, known as Rockman in Japan, is a science fiction platformer franchise created by Capcom, starring a series of robot characters each known by the moniker "Mega Man". Mega Man, released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987, was the first in a series that expanded to over 50 title releases across multiple systems. As of June 2024, the Mega Man franchise has sold 42 million units worldwide.[1]
Series | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mainline series | 13,637,142+ | $667,800,000 | |
Mega Man X series | 10,707,616+ | $450,000,000 | |
Mega Man Legends series | 961,926+ | ||
Mega Man Battle Network series | 5,739,830+ | $60,000,000 | |
Mega Man Zero series | 1,583,360+ | ||
Other games | 1,319,388+ | ||
Total | 42,000,000 | $1,231,500,000 | [1] |
Mainline series[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mega Man | 1,531,941 | $61,100,000 | ||||
Rockman | Famicom | Japan | 1987 | 31,941 | $27,100,000 | [2] |
Mega Man | NES | Overseas | 1987 | — | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
Mega Man 2 | 6,710,000 | $344,600,000 | ||||
Mega Man 2 | NES | Worldwide | 1988 | 1,510,000 | $90,600,000 | [3] |
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
NES Classic Edition | NES | Worldwide | 2016 | 3,600,000 | $220,000,000 | [5] |
Mega Man 3 | 2,580,000 | $98,800,000 | ||||
Mega Man 3 | NES | Worldwide | 1990 | 1,080,000 | $64,800,000 | [3] |
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
Mega Man 4 | 1,770,042 | $66,400,000 | ||||
Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou! | Famicom | Japan | 1991 | 270,042 | $32,400,000 | [2] |
Mega Man 4 | NES | Overseas | 1992 | — | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
Mega Man 5 | 1,702,170 | $50,200,000 | ||||
Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? | Famicom | Japan | 1992 | 202,170 | $16,200,000 | [2] |
Mega Man 5 | NES | Overseas | 1992 | — | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
Mega Man 6 | 1,578,261 | $42,100,000 | ||||
Rockman 6: Shijō Saidai no Tatakai! | Famicom | Japan | 1993 | 78,261 | $8,100,000 | [2] |
Mega Man 6 | NES | Overseas | 1994 | — | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 | Worldwide | 2015 | 1,600,000 | $34,000,000 | [3][4] |
Mega Man 7 | 976,277 | $47,300,000 | ||||
Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! | Super Famicom | Japan | 1995 | 176,277 | $31,300,000 | [2] |
Mega Man 7 | SNES | Overseas | 1995 | — | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2017 | 800,000 | $16,000,000 | [6][7] |
Mega Man 8 | 1,206,951 | $33,400,000 | ||||
Rockman 8: Metal Heroes | PS1 | Japan | 1996 | 31,023 | $17,400,000 | [2] |
Mega Man 8 | PS1 | USA | 1997 | 362,094 | [8] | |
Rockman 8: Metal Heroes | Saturn | Japan | 1997 | 13,834 | [2] | |
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2017 | 800,000 | $16,000,000 | [6][7] |
Mega Man 9 | 1,231,500 | $20,100,000 | ||||
Mega Man 9 | WiiWare | Worldwide | 2008 | 231,500 | $19,100,000 | [9] |
XBLA | Worldwide | 2008 | 200,000 | [10][11] | ||
PSN / Mobile | — | 2008 | — | |||
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2017 | 800,000 | $16,000,000 | [6][7] |
Mega Man 10 | 2,350,000 | $46,800,000 | ||||
Mega Man 10 | PS3 | Worldwide | 2010 | 900,000 | $30,800,000 | [12] |
Xbox 360 | Worldwide | 2010 | 650,000 | [13] | ||
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2017 | 800,000 | $16,000,000 | [6][7] |
Mega Man 11 | 1,900,000 | $60,000,000 | ||||
Mega Man 11 | PS4 / XB1 / NSW | Worldwide | 2018 | 1,900,000 | $60,000,000 | [3][14] |
13,637,142+ | $667,800,000 |
Mega Man X series[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mega Man X | 7,640,000 | |||||
Mega Man X | SNES | Worldwide | 1993 | 1,160,000 | [3] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 / NSW | Worldwide | 2018 | 1,200,000 | ||
Super NES Classic Edition | SNES | Worldwide | 2016 | 5,280,000 | $450,000,000 | [15] |
Mega Man X2 | 1,544,191 | |||||
Rockman X2 | Super Famicom | Japan | 1994 | 344,191 | [2] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 / NSW | Worldwide | 2018 | 1,200,000 | [3] | |
Mega Man X3 | 1,383,422 | |||||
Rockman X3 | Super Famicom | Japan | 1995 | 183,422 | [2] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 / NSW | Worldwide | 2018 | 1,200,000 | [3] | |
Mega Man X4 | 1,849,127 | |||||
Rockman X4 | PS1 | Japan | 1997 | 197,385 | [2] | |
Mega Man X4 | PS1 | USA | 1997 | 430,524 | [8] | |
Rockman X4 | Saturn | Japan | 1997 | 21,218 | [2] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection | PS4 / XB1 / NSW | Worldwide | 2018 | 1,200,000 | [3] | |
Mega Man X5 | 1,404,515 | |||||
Rockman X5 | PS1 | Japan | 2000 | 201,153 | [2] | |
Mega Man X5 | PS1 | USA | 2001 | 303,362 | [8] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2018 | 900,000 | [16] | |
Mega Man X6 | 1,239,037 | |||||
Rockman X6 | PS1 | Japan | 2001 | 146,836 | [2] | |
Mega Man X6 | PS1 | USA | 2001 | 192,201 | [8] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2018 | 900,000 | [16] | |
Mega Man X7 | 1,011,778 | |||||
Rockman X7 | PS2 | Japan | 2003 | 111,778 | [2] | |
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2018 | 900,000 | [16] | |
Mega Man X8 | 935,546 | |||||
Rockman X8 | PS2 | Japan | 2005 | 35,546 | ||
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2018 | 900,000 | [16] | |
10,707,616+ | $450,000,000 |
Mega Man Legends series[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mega Man Legends | 609,735 | |||||
Rockman Dash | PS1 | Japan | 1997 | 150,238 | [2] | |
Mega Man Legends | PS1 | USA | 1998 | 322,234 | [8] | |
Mega Man 64 | N64 | USA | 2001 | 127,488 | ||
Rockman Dash | PSP | Japan | 2005 | 9,775 | [2] | |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | 83,396 | |||||
Tron ni Kobun | PS1 | Japan | 1999 | 61,127 | [2] | |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | PS1 | USA | 2000 | 22,269 | [8] | |
Mega Man Legends 2 | 268,795 | |||||
Rockman Dash 2 | PS1 | Japan | 2000 | 88,131 | [2] | |
Mega Man Legends 2 | PS1 | USA | 2000 | 155,580 | [8] | |
Rockman Dash 2 | PSP | Japan | 2005 | 25,084 | [2] | |
961,926+ |
Mega Man Battle Network series[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mega Man Battle Network | 1,008,640 | |||||
Battle Network Rockman.EXE | GBA | Japan | 2001 | 207,285 | [2] | |
Mega Man Battle Network | GBA | USA | 2001 | 1,355 | [17] | |
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Mega Man Battle Network 2 | 1,254,180 | |||||
Battle Network Rockman.EXE 2 | GBA | Japan | 2001 | 446,938 | [2] | |
Mega Man Battle Network 2 | GBA | USA | 2002 | 7,242 | [17] | |
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Mega Man Battle Network 3 | 1,505,351 | |||||
Battle Network Rockman.EXE 3 | GBA | Japan | 2002 | 668,947 | [2] | |
Mega Man Battle Network 3 | GBA | USA | 2003 | 36,404 | [17] | |
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Mega Man Network Transmission | 109,584 | |||||
Rockman.EXE: Transmission | GBA | Japan | 2003 | 79,360 | [2] | |
Mega Man Network Transmission | GC | USA | 2003 | 30,224 | [20] | |
Mega Man Battle Network 4 | 2,150,000 | |||||
Mega Man Battle Network 4 | GBA | Worldwide | 2003 | 1,350,000 | [3] | |
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Mega Man Battle Network 5 | 1,516,628 | |||||
Rockman.EXE 5: Team of Blues | GBA | Japan | 2004 | 415,630 | [2] | |
Rockman.EXE 5: Team of Colonel | GBA | Japan | 2005 | 194,472 | ||
Rockman 5 DS: Twin Leaders | DS | Japan | 2005 | 106,526 | ||
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Mega Man Battle Network 6 | 1,395,447 | |||||
Rockman.EXE 6 | GBA | Japan | 2005 | 595,447 | [2] | |
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2 | PS4 / NSW / PC | Worldwide | 2023 | 800,000 | $30,000,000 | [18][19] |
Total | 5,739,830+ | $60,000,000 |
Mega Man Zero series[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Rockman Zero | GBA | Japan | 2002 | 231,166 | [2] | |
Rockman Zero 2 | GBA | Japan | 2003 | 158,479 | ||
Rockman Zero 3 | GBA | Japan | 2004 | 121,847 | ||
Rockman Zero 4 | GBA | Japan | 2005 | 74,354 | ||
Mega Man Zero Collection | Multi-platform | Worldwide | 2010 | 997,514 | ||
Mega Man Zero Collection | 997,514 | |||||
Rockman Zero Collection | DS | Japan | 2010 | 65,724 | [2] | |
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection | PS4 | Worldwide | 2020 | 539,000 | [21] | |
Steam | Worldwide | 2020 | 315,000 | [22] | ||
Switch | Worldwide | 2020 | 62,790 | [6] | ||
Xbox One | Worldwide | 2020 | 15,000 | [6] | ||
Total | 1,583,360+ |
Other games[]
Title | Platform(s) | Market | Year | Sales | Gross (est.) | Ref |
Mega Man & Bass | 143,065 | |||||
Rockman & Forte | Super Famicom | Japan | 1998 | 46,928 | [2] | |
GBA | Japan | 2002 | 91,097 | [2] | ||
Mega Man & Bass | GBA | USA | 2003 | 5,040 | [17] | |
Shooting Star series | 1,176,323 | |||||
Ryūsei no Rockman | DS | Japan | 2006 | 593,675 | [2] | |
Ryūsei no Rockman 2 | DS | Japan | 2007 | 291,962 | ||
Ryūsei no Rockman 3 | DS | Japan | 2008 | 217,312 | ||
Rockman.EXE: Operate Shooting Star | DS | Japan | 2009 | 73,374 | ||
Total | 1,319,388+ |
Mega Man[]
Mega Man, known as Rockman (ロックマン, Rokkuman) in Japan, is a 1987 action-platform game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was directed by Akira Kitamura, with Nobuyuki Matsushima as lead programmer, and is the first game of the Mega Man franchise and the original game series. Mega Man was produced by a small team specifically for the home console market, a first for Capcom, who previously focused on arcade titles.
Mega Man 2[]
Mega Man 2[b] (stylized as Mega Man II) is an action game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was released in Japan in 1988 and in North America and PAL regions the following years. Mega Man 2 continues Mega Man's battle against the evil Dr. Wily and his rogue robots. It introduced graphical and gameplay changes, many of which became series staples.
Mega Man 3[]
Mega Man 3[a] is an action-platform game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the third game of the original Mega Man series and was originally released in Japan on September 28, 1990. The game localized in North America later in 1990 and in European regions in 1992. Taking place after the events of Mega Man 2, the plot follows the titular hero as he helps his creator, Dr. Light, and a former villain, Dr. Wily, collect parts for a peace-keeping robot by defeating several Robot Masters that have gone haywire.
Mega Man 4[]
Mega Man 4[a] is an action-platform game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the fourth game in the original Mega Man series and was originally released in Japan in 1991. The game was localized in North America the following January, and in Europe in 1993.
Mega Man 5[]
Mega Man 5 (stylized as Mega Man V)[a] is an action-platform game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the fifth game in the original Mega Man series and was released in Japan on December 4, 1992. It saw a release during the same month in North America and in 1993 in Europe.
Mega Man 6[]
Mega Man 6[a] is an action game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It is the sixth installment in the original Mega Man series and was originally released in Japan on November 5, 1993 and in North America the following March. It was included in the Mega Man Anniversary Collection released in 2004. Its first PAL region release was June 11, 2013 for the 3DS Virtual Console, nearly twenty years after the game's first release.
Mega Man 7[]
Mega Man 7[a] is a platform game by Capcom for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the seventh game in the original Mega Man series. The game was released in Japan on March 24, 1995 and was localized later in the year in North America and Europe.
Mega Man 8[]
Mega Man 8[a] is an action-platform game developed and released by Capcom in 1996. It was directed by Hayato Kaji, who had previously worked on the series as an artist. Keiji Inafune, who was also an artist for the series, was given the role of producer after the departure of Tokuro Fujiwara who had been producer for the series since Mega Man 2. It is the eighth installment in the original Mega Man series, and was initially released in Japan on the PlayStation in 1996. The following year, Mega Man 8 saw a release on the Sega Saturn and was localized for both consoles in North America and the PlayStation alone in PAL regions. Upon its release, Capcom reached the franchise's tenth anniversary. Mega Man 8 is the first game in the series made available on 32-bit consoles.
Mega Man 9[]
Mega Man 9[a] is a 2008 action-platform game developed by Capcom and Inti Creates. It is the ninth numbered game in the original Mega Man series. Mega Man 9 is the first home console game in the original Mega Man series since Mega Man 8and Mega Man & Bass, which were released at least one decade earlier. Mega Man 9 was the first game in the series not to have a physical release, and was initially released only on the downloadable gaming services WiiWare, PlayStation Network(PSN), and Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA). In June 2017, it was announced that Mega Man 9 and 10 would have a physical release with their inclusion in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows, along with a digital version released for Nintendo Switch in May 2018.
Mega Man 10[]
Mega Man 10[a] is an action-platform game developed by Inti Creates and Capcom. It is the tenth main entry of the original Mega Man series. The game was released as a downloadable title for the console gaming services WiiWare, PlayStation Network (PSN), and Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) during March 2010. The game was also given a physical release along with four other Capcom titles from different franchises in the Capcom Essentials Pack for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was later released again for a physical and digital release as part of Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 alongside Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8, and Mega Man 9 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, as well as the Nintendo Switch in May 2018.
Mega Man 11[]
Mega Man 11[a] is an action-platform game developed and published by Capcom. The game is an entry in the original Mega Man series, and was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in October 2018. The game brings back several features such as voice acting and a 2.5D graphic style from previous games throughout the Mega Man franchise.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
- ↑ Nintendo Entertainment System
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 "January 2003". The Onion Ring (NPD). Toy Retail Survey Tracking (TRST). Archived from the original on 2003-04-18. Retrieved 5 November 2021.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 July '04 NPD summary
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5
- ↑ Jones, Ashley (July 22, 2003). "News: U.S.A. Sales For Consoles". N-Europe. Archived from the original on 2006-12-09. Retrieved May 22, 2010.
- ↑
- ↑